To celebrate Jaron’s 5 year CANCERversary. He has decided to do a T-shirt fundraiser to raise awareness and money to purchase toys, games and gift cards for the kids on the 11th floor at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.
YOU ARE NEVER TOO YOUNG....5 years later!!!!
Jaron continues to be our hero!
On January 30, 2019, at 11 years old, Jaron spoke up and told us about the pain he was having in his left testicle. A visit to the ER and an ultrasound showed a mass (about the size of a pea) in his right testicle.
On January 31, 2019, thanks to Dr. Scott Tyson, an appointment was scheduled at Nationwide Children’s Hospital with Dr. McLeod. The mass was small but showed blood flow so surgery was scheduled for just 5 days later!
February 1-3, 2019, Jaron swam with OSSC at the TYR meet. He was determined to drop time in his events and in typical “Jaron fashion”, he did. Jaron stayed strong knowing he was having major surgery on Tuesday and all along very few people and swimmers knew what he was dealing with.
On February 4, 2019, we received a wonderful phone call from NCH stating that there were no signs of cancer in Jaron’s bloodwork! That evening, Jaron had his last swim practice before surgery and came into the stands smiling.
On February 5, 2019, we arrived at NCH and Jaron had his squishy peanut and iPhone in hand. Dr. McLeod removed the entire mass with good margins and the mass was being sent to pathology. At that time, all appeared to be benign!
On February 11, 2019, Jaron returned to school, however, the dreaded phone call came in that the tumor was cancerous. This was an extremely rare case.
On February 13, 2019, Jaron conquered his first of many scans and blood draws. We met with the oncologist, Dr. Ranalli, who confirmed the mass was a Leydig Cell tumor (cancerous). He asked Jaron if he understood what was going on. Jaron said without missing a beat, “I had cancer, they took it out of me and now it is gone”!
From March 8-10, 2019, Jaron competed at the JO age group state swim meet and had many personal best times. Immediately following the swim meet, he was back on the soccer field (wearing a cup, of course) and couldn’t have been happier!
Jaron’s positive attitude and outlook that cancer will not win have gotten him to where he is today.
Life can all change so quickly….please speak to your children so they feel comfortable enough to bring up uncomfortable subjects with you. We are so grateful that Jaron spoke up about his testicle hurting on that snowy morning because if he didn’t, we could be in a much different place today.
We don’t have any products to show here right now.
If you would prefer to make a Cash donation to Jaron's fundraiser please use the QR code or click the venmo link below
The deadline for purchasing
Check 'Em Apparel & making Donations
is February 15, 2024.
Thank you for your support of Jaron's Fundraiser!
***Please note this Cancer Awareness Apparel is a custom order, therefore we will be unable to process returns or refunds on these items. ***
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